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A mushroom revolution takes root in the Middle East and Africa

The architect racing to save Algeria’s earthen castles

Meet the guardian of Palestine’s past

The Lebanese scientist saving the sharks of the Middle East

Chad’s slam poets fight for change

The unlikely hotbed for African entrepreneurs

Baking this bread will make you feel like the Indiana Jones of food

The data engineer on a mission to save Tunisia’s bees

Why the slow coach to Cape Town should be on your bucket list

He hacked a way to talk to plants — and they talk back

The planetary scientist leading a peaceful revolution in Egypt


Micro-dwellings across America

Note: OZY.com was shut down after its founder, Carlos Watson, was charged with conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Still, I stand by the work we did. Above is a short list of my OZY bylines published between 2016 and 2018. The links are lost, but the stories of overlooked heroes and lesser known histories remain as relevant today as ever before.